
When people think of traditional publishing, they usually envision one of the Big Five publishers, with executives in suits calling the shots from their skyscraper corner offices (basically Walter Hobbs inElf)。

The “Big Five” publishers (Penguin/Random House, Hachette Book Group, Harper Collins, Simon & Schuster, and Macmillan) see annual revenues of hundreds of millions of dollars, and until recent years, they were basically an author’s only shot at success.

當然,今天,可以選擇通過主要的零售平台(例如亞馬遜的Kindle Direct Publishing)自行出版您的書,但是許多作者仍然渴望與知名的出版公司合作。必赢亚洲官方网址

Small and independent publishers offer writers an alternative to both the hard-to-get Big Five deals and the often headache-inducing process of self-publishing.


An independent (or “indie”) publisher is a traditional publisher that is not part of a large corporation or conglomerate, like the Big Five.


They also may or may not require a文學代理代表您提交,但他們總是有提交的審查程序。(換句話說,他們是有選擇性的,隻會出版符合其標準的書籍。如果出版商提出出版您的手稿以換取費用,那就是虛榮出版社。)

Many indie publishers are also small presses, which are defined in the US as publishers with annual sales of less than $50 million, or those that publish an average of 10 or fewer titles each year.


Pros of Independent Publishing



Free Publishing Services

With independent publishing, you’ll get all the perks of traditional publishing to help you through the process. This includes a professional editor, cover and layout designer, and even marketing specialists to help you promote your book before and after its release.



If you’re working with a reputable indie publisher, they likely have a decent following (or could even be very well known), which means they have a platform for marketing and selling your book.

You could do very well with self-publishing, but it takes很多為自己宣傳一本書的工作,當然可以幫助您擁有知名公司的網絡。

More Flexible Royalty Structures


許多獨立出版商的特許權使用費都比主要出版商高得多。bwin888.com例如,TCK Publishing與我們的作者分配了所有特許權使用費50/50。必赢亚洲官方网址


As with anything, there are trade-offs when it comes to choosing an indie publisher over other options:



Less Prominence Than the Big Five

Independent publishing may also come with a perception of less “prestige” than you’d get with a Big Five, which virtually everyone has heard of.

However, don’t assume that a deal with a Big Five publisher automatically translates to successful sales.

Many large, traditional publishers have extensive networks for marketing and promotion, but they also have lots of titles to manage, and will only do so much for yours. Think about it: publishers like Simon & Schuster publish thousands of titles each year, but how many have you even heard of? Not every book published (even by the Big Five) can make it into stores.

如果您是作家並希望您的書成功,那麼您需要積極主動營銷您的書, no matter who your publisher is.

What Does Independently Published Mean on Amazon?

Amazon is not an independent publisher, but rather allows writers to self-publish their books via Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). That means you can upload your book and make it available for sale directly, without an actual publisher.

Learn more about the differences betweentraditional vs. self-publishing, including the pros and cons of each.



盡管五巨頭(The Big 5)的非常大型的傳統出版商的特許權使用費往往最大約15%,但許多小型獨立出版商提供的特許權使用費高達40-60%。但是,這些費率會差異很大,因此請務必在簽署任何交易之前仔細審查所有合同,並確保您清楚您如何,多少以及何時獲得付款。


If you’re the author of an outstanding nonfiction or fiction manuscript and looking to work with a reputable independent publisher, bwin888.comTCK Publishing may be the right fit for you!

We’re currently open for both nonfiction and fiction submissions. You can review ourbwin 足球 or learn more about us on ourbwin 安卓版

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